
Yoga workshops and seminars

In addition to the regular classes, there are also workshops and seminars on specific yoga topics that can help you deepen your yoga practice – from beginner to advanced.

Ashtanga Yoga Intensive Sadhana with Ajay 03.05. - 07.05.24

Ajay Tokas

Ajay has been a student of yoga for over two decades and continues to learn and teach. His source of inspiration and support comes from his mother to pursue and live a yogic life. Ajay extensively travels and teaches abroad and in India. He has received blessings of his Guru Shri R Sharath Jois to teach and currently practices the 4th series under his guidance. Ajay guides practitioners in the ashtanga yoga tradition of Guru ji Shri K. Pattabhi Jois.


Daily Mysore practice at 7am till 10am (All level of Students from mid Primary to Advanced series practitioners are welcome)

Two Evening workshops - at 2:00 pm till 4:30 pm (finishing time depends on the topic of seminar)


Vinyasa Explorations - In Ashtanga Yoga many students practice the series though many times aren’t sure of the vinyasas of the asanas the way they do or how they do. In this workshop we explore different postures learning – relearning their vinyasas to make the practice effort to effortless. Ajay will share detailed info on anatomy of these asanas, how to do them correctly and safely to avoid chances of injury

and ultimately getting deeper into the postures. This workshop focuses on integrating the strength and flexibility in Primary series which prepares forfurther series of Ashtanga Yoga. All levels are welcome.

Hip Openers - Lifestyle, culture and several other reasons can be a factor for the tightness in

the hips and knees. When hips are more open sitting or seated positions get more comfortable and less strain goes on the joints. Ajay will share his classical approach and step by step methods on hip mobility and loosening of tight hips.

Practice will be taught safely on how to avoid injuries and increase movement in pelvic region which helps in getting more access to several other asanas.

3rd May - 7th May 2024

Location: YogeshYOGA, Mömbris

Early bird till 15.03.24:  290

Student from last year till: 320

Normal price from 15.03.24: 340

Only mysore classes: 185

Drop in Mysore: 45

Drop in Workshop: 80


REGISTRATION/RESERVATION: Registration form must be filled. A Link is below for the form. In order to reserve your space, reservation must be made through 25% of total payment, either through PayPal (extra charges must be paid by the payer)or Bank Transfer. The payment is non-refundable  and non-transferable. Once the payment is there, you will receive the confirmation Email.

Sign Up link does not support Mozilla internet browser.

Bank details:

Yogesh Saini

IBAN: DE02 1203 0000 1089 5289 29


Reference - Ajay-Workshop


Back & Hip

Due to our living conditions and the diverse challenges, many suffer from  back and hip problems. The number of people suffering from these problems has risen sharply in recent years.

This yoga workshop is dedicated to these areas and provides appropriate exercise instructions. Yoga practice involves healing the body and soul, as it has many aspects, including therapeutic too.

In this workshop, main attention will be paid to the relevant problems and appropriate yoga asanas and breathing techniques.


Back & Hip on

28.09.2024 from 10am till 4pm

Cost - 120 Place - Miltenberg

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